Monday, February 22, 2010

The Alligators Will Get You If You Don't Watch Out!

Whew! What a busy weekend. Friday night Ava spent her first night in her “big girl’s bed” which is a twin mattress on the floor. She fussed at first but eventually went to sleep, and she didn’t venture to get off the bed, we made it the whole weekend without her getting off that bed at nap time or at night. Amazing. In other exceptional toddler news, Ava went pee in the potty for the first time at home. I can’t believe how fast she is growing up. She’s also now deathly afraid of alligators thanks to the library and Michael. They had some stuffed animals on display. Daddy picked up the alligator and made a chomping motion towards Ava. That freaked her out. He then proceeded to chase her with it, and she ran away with eyes covered. When we got home later in the day he persisted with her fear and told her “the alligators are going to get you”. She was shaking in her boots. I think we found our new parenting strategy for a while.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Don't Rush Things!

Dear Baby,

In just six short (let’s hope) weeks we will have the pleasure of meeting you. Personally, I can’t wait! See, the experts say you should have less room in the belly to be moving around. The problem is it doesn’t feel that way to dear old mom. No. In fact, I think you might be kicking, stretching and performing gymnastic feats in there more than ever before. Don’t worry, I’m not completely miserable or anything. Every movement I feel just reminds me of the little person and what you’ll look like and act like.

Your big sister isn’t quite sure what’s happening yet. She likes to pull my shirt up and blow raspberries on my belly but that’s the extent of her knowledge about a baby brother or sister coming her way. This morning she blew raspberries and with every single one you kicked back. It made me think about the relationship I hope the two of you share one day. There is nothing I wish for in the world more than that you and your sister love each other and celebrate a bond only siblings can. Just remember Ava is working through a tough period of what we call the “Terrible Twos” so if she hits you or resents you at first - don’t worry. You have plenty of years to retaliate.

I can’t wait to hold you in my arms, kiss your little face and feel your tiny little fingers wrapped around mine. I don’t want to rush you or anything, but we’re ready whenever you are!!!
