Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Cover Girl
Is this the start of Sophia's modeling career? After lots of practice, she definitely has the finger tasting pose down pat. Too bad there isn't a "Bed Wetters Illustrated." Ava could be their centerfold.

Friday, October 15, 2010
Attention To Detail
I'm amazed almost daily at Ava's distinct attention to detail. At less than 2.5 years old, she has a very astute eye. Ava has a knack for noticing, and calling attention to, the most basic elements of change in her life. It could be a slight hole in a pair of jeans, or a logo that matches the one on her shoes, Ava will broadcast its appearance as if it were Breaking News. To her, it most definitely is. My little girl will ask, “Why?” to the slightest new development within her world. She’ll point out her sister’s lack of socks as if completely puzzled. She will question if a bug has bitten her father’s cheek as a result of a slight blemish that developed overnight. Nothing gets by this kid. If you embarass easily, you'd best not spend much time in public with Ava B.
We’ve raised Ava to be comfortable within a schedule and to expect repetition. In turn, we have created a child with an eagle’s eye and unquenchable thirst for quick explanations. At least she’s asleep every night by 8PM.
We’ve raised Ava to be comfortable within a schedule and to expect repetition. In turn, we have created a child with an eagle’s eye and unquenchable thirst for quick explanations. At least she’s asleep every night by 8PM.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
July 24, 2010
Dear Ava and Sophia,
Last weekend our friend Andy from South Bend came to visit us. We spent the afternoon at the pool. Ava had a blast, Sophia slept through most of it. The next day we visited the park and zoo. Andy's favorite animal is the llama. The llama had a summer haircut. Ava had fun petting the goats and watching the prairie dogs play. After the zoo Andy bought everybody pizza from Arni's. It was yummy and Ava especially enjoyed it. When we got home Andy had to return to South Bend. Ava walked around for the rest of the day with her bottom lip stuck out and told us she was sad.
Monday was Sophia's first day of daycare. Daddy wasn't exactly ready to go back to work. He wasn't happy to have to wear pants again! Sophia was a champ all week though. She ate and slept like a good girl. I think they really made her work hard though because she went to bed pretty early each night (close to 8 pm).
Ava enjoys the fact that all of us are riding together to campus each day and she really wants to help us deliver Sophia to her classroom.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Sophia seems to absolutely adore her big sister. She coos when Ava talks to her, she opens her mouth wide for baby kisses and watches her every move. Ava is equally enamored and demands to give Sophia kisses and hugs before bed each night. When Sophia cries Ava will pat her and say "It's okay." I love it.
Father's Day
We celebrated Father's Day with blueberry pancakes, a trip to church (shows how much we go - service was over when we got there), lunch at Noodles, to the fountain on campus which Ava was deathly afraid of
went swimming at Castaway Bay which Ava LOVED. We wrapped the day up with Chinese takeout and a cold beer. All in all a great day.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
And Then There Were Four
Instead of April showers we were blessed with another little girl. So, how has life changed in the past two months? Well, little miss Ava has learned that sometimes she has to be patient. She has been wonderful to her little sister though. Every morning she takes the first few moments she's awake to account for all of us. She insists on kissing "Sia" before bedtime every night and before we leave every morning. She wants Sophia to be able to do all of the things she can do and likes to watch her eat. On the one hand I'm enjoying these precious quiet, sweet moments of early infanthood but on the other I can't wait until Sophia is a little older and I can see the two of my little girls interact, play and become the best of friends.
Sophia is full of coos and smiles these days and will carry on a cooing conversation for as long as you indulge her. She is sleeping in her crib and only awakens once each night.
Two months in and I can't complain. We had a 48 hour hospital stay thanks to Sophia's high fever at 6 weeks old. We spent a week in Kansas introducing Sophia to cousins, aunts, uncles, Grandmas, Grandpa and friends. I have returned to work and now Michael's at home for a few weeks bonding with Sophia.
The past two months have already gone by so quickly. I'm trying to hold on too all the memories.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Welcome to the World, Sophia Rose
Monday, February 22, 2010
The Alligators Will Get You If You Don't Watch Out!

Whew! What a busy weekend. Friday night Ava spent her first night in her “big girl’s bed” which is a twin mattress on the floor. She fussed at first but eventually went to sleep, and she didn’t venture to get off the bed, we made it the whole weekend without her getting off that bed at nap time or at night. Amazing. In other exceptional toddler news, Ava went pee in the potty for the first time at home. I can’t believe how fast she is growing up. She’s also now deathly afraid of alligators thanks to the library and Michael. They had some stuffed animals on display. Daddy picked up the alligator and made a chomping motion towards Ava. That freaked her out. He then proceeded to chase her with it, and she ran away with eyes covered. When we got home later in the day he persisted with her fear and told her “the alligators are going to get you”. She was shaking in her boots. I think we found our new parenting strategy for a while.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Don't Rush Things!
Dear Baby,
In just six short (let’s hope) weeks we will have the pleasure of meeting you. Personally, I can’t wait! See, the experts say you should have less room in the belly to be moving around. The problem is it doesn’t feel that way to dear old mom. No. In fact, I think you might be kicking, stretching and performing gymnastic feats in there more than ever before. Don’t worry, I’m not completely miserable or anything. Every movement I feel just reminds me of the little person and what you’ll look like and act like.
Your big sister isn’t quite sure what’s happening yet. She likes to pull my shirt up and blow raspberries on my belly but that’s the extent of her knowledge about a baby brother or sister coming her way. This morning she blew raspberries and with every single one you kicked back. It made me think about the relationship I hope the two of you share one day. There is nothing I wish for in the world more than that you and your sister love each other and celebrate a bond only siblings can. Just remember Ava is working through a tough period of what we call the “Terrible Twos” so if she hits you or resents you at first - don’t worry. You have plenty of years to retaliate.
I can’t wait to hold you in my arms, kiss your little face and feel your tiny little fingers wrapped around mine. I don’t want to rush you or anything, but we’re ready whenever you are!!!
In just six short (let’s hope) weeks we will have the pleasure of meeting you. Personally, I can’t wait! See, the experts say you should have less room in the belly to be moving around. The problem is it doesn’t feel that way to dear old mom. No. In fact, I think you might be kicking, stretching and performing gymnastic feats in there more than ever before. Don’t worry, I’m not completely miserable or anything. Every movement I feel just reminds me of the little person and what you’ll look like and act like.
Your big sister isn’t quite sure what’s happening yet. She likes to pull my shirt up and blow raspberries on my belly but that’s the extent of her knowledge about a baby brother or sister coming her way. This morning she blew raspberries and with every single one you kicked back. It made me think about the relationship I hope the two of you share one day. There is nothing I wish for in the world more than that you and your sister love each other and celebrate a bond only siblings can. Just remember Ava is working through a tough period of what we call the “Terrible Twos” so if she hits you or resents you at first - don’t worry. You have plenty of years to retaliate.
I can’t wait to hold you in my arms, kiss your little face and feel your tiny little fingers wrapped around mine. I don’t want to rush you or anything, but we’re ready whenever you are!!!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
All these changes
Plane rides, weaning from the pacifier, and potty training. Yikes! Ava's had an exciting month to say the least! We've had a potty chair for well over a month now and at first Ava was scared of it. She's now to the point where she tells us when she needs to poop and will sit on the chair but has yet to pee or poop in the chair. She likes the novelty of sitting on it. But, yesterday Ava peed in the potty at daycare!!! We are thrilled and can't believe how fast she's growing up. Now if we can just keep the momentum and really get this child potty trained.
Ava and her Pacifier
Oh Ava and her pacifier. She loves it so. She calls it a "pat" and begs for it whenever she's grouchy, wants to be comforted, and will even tell you she wants to go "night-night" in order to get it. With a new baby on the way we decided that it was probably time to break our dear daughter of her reliance on "pat". So, last Friday night we cut the tip off of one of her pacis and gave it to her to fall asleep with. Of course she cried and fussed. We let her cry for a few minutes and when I went back in to comfort her she threw the broken paci at me and declared, "TRASH". I picked it up and explained that she could hold her blankie and her puppy but this was the only paci she could have. This turned into a full hour of desperate screaming. It was verging on a panic attack. We entered the room every 15 minutes or so to comfort her and the child was so frantic that she begged for everything she could think of and asked for milk, wa-wa, juice, up, you name it she wanted it. Most of all she wanted her beloved "pat". At the end of the hour Michael decided Ava had been through enough psychological damage for the day and gave in. Within 5 minutes the child was sound asleep. And that's the end of trying to wean her off the pacifier, at least for the time being.
Plane rides, weaning from the pacifier, and potty training. Yikes! Ava's had an exciting month to say the least! We've had a potty chair for well over a month now and at first Ava was scared of it. She's now to the point where she tells us when she needs to poop and will sit on the chair but has yet to pee or poop in the chair. She likes the novelty of sitting on it. But, yesterday Ava peed in the potty at daycare!!! We are thrilled and can't believe how fast she's growing up. Now if we can keep the momentum going perhaps we’ll get this child potty trained. Our next parental feat: moving Ava into a big girl's bed.
Ava's First Plane Ride
Michael was fortunate to have the opportunity to visit the Semester at Sea ship in January. They set sail from San Diego to Ensenada, Mexico and returned a few days later. Ava and I set out to meet Michael in San Diego for a long weekend.
Ava and I boarded our first flight in Indianapolis and Ava was an angel. She wanted to go "night-night" and snuggled up in my arms the second we boarded and didn't move until we got off the plane for our layover in Houston. She enjoyed looking out the window at the scenery and didn't fuss a bit. For our second leg we got on board and little Ava was good as could be. She played on the floor for a bit taking magazines in and out of the seat pocket. She said "hi" to everyone boarding and then she finally curled up in my arms and fell right asleep. When we got off the plane in San Diego she was beside herself that we were getting on a bus for the hotel. She repeated "bus" "bus" in her excited, happy little voice. Once we arrived at the hotel and she saw daddy waiting for us she squealed with delight and pointed and screamed "Dada". She was thrilled to see him again.
For the next 2 days of our weekend getaway in what was supposed to be sunny San Diego we were hit with torrential rain and 40-50 mph winds. One entire afternoon and evening was stuck in our hotel. The second day we managed to get a rental car and drove to Balboa Park, Torrey Pines State Park, and Ocean Beach. The weather was cool with a light mist which turned to torrential rainfall for the remainder the afternoon. As luck would have it the sun came out the second we got to the airport for our return to Indiana.
And our fateful return to Indiana....Ava did not repeat the excellent behavior from her first flights. Oh no, instead she could not be satisfied in any manner. She threw her pacifier over my head and hit the gentleman behind us and screamed for at least 25 minutes of our 45 minute flight to Phoenix. I was finally able to get her to sleep by rocking her in my arms and letting her scream it out. It was torturous for everyone on that flight. We were supposed to be able to remain on the aircraft for our return to Indianapolis, but when we arrived in Phoenix we had to change planes. This, of course, resulted in another 20-30 minute screaming fit until Ava finally wore herself out again and fell back asleep. We got to Indianapolis around 1am where Ava was suddenly her happy, delightful little self again.
What is it about plane travel that turned my child into the devil? I'll never know because that's NOT happening again until she's say 20?!!!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
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